Wellness Hoot 

Owls Care Leaders (OCLs) “pop up” Wellness Hoots around campus throughout the week. Wellness Hoots provide FAU students the opportunity to learn about a variety of wellness topics from their peers through interactive education and activities. After engaging with our OCLs, students receive Hoot Loot.

Hoot Loot is our office currency: fake money students can use to buy real prizes and swag. We offer a variety of items ranging from $1 Hoot Loot up to $25 Hoot Loot. Our Hoot Loot items are always changing, but you can find some of our staple items below.  Stop by our office to cash in your Hoot Loot and see what we have in stock.


Hoot Loot

The Hoot Loot Merchandise Catalog below is filled with items you can "purchase" with Physical Hoot Loot or the Virtual Hoot Loot established during the COVID-19 pandemic.  (Please note: we no longer give out virtual hoot loot)

You can combine your virtual hoot loot with any physical hoot loot you may have! Stop by our office or call us at 561-297-1048 for questions about your virtual hoot loot balance.


To exchange any Hoot Loot for wellness resources or merch, stop by our office Monday-Friday, between 9 am - 5 pm. Don't forget, we're on the Second Floor of the Breezeway, above the Starbucks!  See Details Below:

Call us at (561) 297-1048 with any questions.

Where is Owls Care?

Student Services and Cafeteria bldg (SS-8), Suite 224A

This is across from Student Health Services, in the same hallway as the Dean of Students office and Counseling and Psychological Services.

This Catalog is brought to you by FAU Owls Care Health Promotion. Items and "prices" are subject to change.

Collect Hoot Loot at Wellness Hoots, WRCC Hoots, and Office Events (i.e. It's On Us week, Domestic Violence Awareness week) and exchange them for fun prizes at our office.

Visit our Instagram (@fauowlscare), 3327e.com/owlscare, or Owls Central, for Hoot Loot eligible event dates and times.