Faculty Assembly
The higher education Faculty of the College of Education is a community of scholars dedicated to the concept that policy making within a college be decentralized to the faculty level. The intent is that policy in the College of Education shall be made in a collegial fashion by the Dean and the Faculty Assembly working cooperatively.
The Assembly is committed to the following governing principles:
- Academic freedom. [1]
- Open democratic communication and participation.
- Sustaining and creating opportunities for faculty voice in all aspects of the College of Education governance.
- Commitment to a professional ethic that supports multiple/ alternative perspectives.
All full-time members of the higher education faculty of the College who hold tenure or all members who have tenure-earning positions, are voting members except those on leave of absence, sabbatical, or medical leave. This includes chairs, associate deans and deans who hold tenured or tenure-earning positions.
Faculty Assembly Steering Committee Motion Matrix Form
S. Ramnarace (OASS), L. Finnegan (VP, Special Education), S. Darling (President, Special Education), K. Emelianchik-Key, (Counselor Ed), J. Scott (Special Education), C. Imgrund (Communication Scienced and Disorders), M. Mountford (Archivist, Ed Leadership & Research Methodology), and M. Lieberman, (Ed Leadership & Research Methodology). Not pictured: Ira Bogotch (Secretary, Ed Leadership & Research Methodology).
2024-2025 COE Governance Meeting Schedule*
Faculty Assembly (FA) Meetings -10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Attended by all COE tenured & tenure-earning faculty, Chairs, and Deans
- Friday, Sept. 6, 2024
- Friday, Nov. 1, 2024
- Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
- Friday, April 11, 2025
Faculty Assembly Steering Committee Representatives
- Meredith Mountford, President (mmountfo@3327e.com)
- Andres Ramirez Agudelo, Vice President (ramirezj@3327e.com)
- Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Secretary (kemelian@3327e.com)
- Ira Bogotch, Archivist (ibogotch@3327e.com)
- Dilys Schoorman, CI (dschoorm@3327e.com)
- Caitlyn Imgrund, CSD (Cimgrund@health.3327e.com)
- Jack Scott, SE (jscott@3327e.com)
- Mary Lieberman, ELRM (mlieberm@3327e.com)
- Sita Ramnarace, OASS (Ramnarac@3327e.com)
Faculty Assembly Steering Committee (FASC) Dates-10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Attended by FA (Elected) Executive committee and Department FA representatives
- Friday, Aug. 23, 2024
- Friday, Oct. 25, 2024
- Friday, Jan. 10, 2025
- Friday, March 21, 2025
Faculty Assembly Executive Committee (FAEC)
- Meredith Mountford, President
- Andres Ramirez Agudelo, Vice President
- Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Secretary
- Ira Bogotch, Archivist
Faculty Assembly Executive Committee (FAEC)- 12 p.m. -1 p.m.
Attended by COE FA (Elected President, Vice President, Secretary, and Archivist) Executive committee, Dean
The Faculty Assembly Executive Committee will meet with Dean Stephen Silverman directly following the FASC meetings.
*All meetings will take place virtually, via Zoom
College of Education Senators to the University Faculty Senate (UFS): 2024-2025
- Andres Ramirez Agudelo (1st of 2-year term)
- Sharon Darling (1st of 2-year term)
- Charles Dukes (2nd of 2-year term)
- Lisa Finnegan (1st of 2-year term)
- Katie Miller (2nd of 2-year term)
- Dilys Schoorman (1st of 2-year term)
- Meredith Mountford (President of COE Faculty Assembly)